Warriors Booster Club


  • Supporting, encouraging and advancing the athletic program and related activities of the Deer River School District, thereby cultivating clean, wholesome school spirit, promoting good sportsmanship, and developing high ideals of character.

  • The club shall promote projects to improve equipment, help coaches, and any other items that we deem necessary for the benefit of the students of Deer River.

  • The club shall not seek to influence or direct the technical activities of the school administration or of the school officials who are charged with the responsibility of conducting the athletic program of the schools of the district.

  • The club shall do nothing which violates the rules of the Minnesota State High School Athletic Association or in any way jeopardizes the membership of the school district in said athletic association.

For more information please contact one of the Booster Club officers:

  • Chuck Isaacs, President
  • Salli Fox , Treasurer
  • Noel Peck, Secretary