High School news

  • Graduates!
    Jun 3, 2024

    Class of 2024 Graduates!

    Sunday, June 2nd at 2:00pm, with the DRHS band playing Pomp and Circumstance, the graduating class of 2024 entered a Packed East Gym at Deer River High School. 127 sang 2 songs, and was joined by graduating seniors who were in Choir on the 2nd song. Dr. Delana Smith, outgoing Principal MC'd the graduation. Superintendent, Pat Rendle made opening remarks and was then followed by Valedictorian Triston Thuney, and Co-Salutatorians, Tia Schultz and Owen Schedin speaking on behalf of the graduates. Friend of the class, Teacher Sam Rendle was the final speaker before diplomas were handed out. The Drum group performed before the standing graduates.

    Congratulations to the Deer River High School Graduates of the Class of 2024.

    Below is the link to the Google Photo Album


  • Student Council scholarship award winners
    May 9, 2024

    Senior Awards Night 2024

    On Wednesday, May 8th, many of this years graduating seniors, their family and friends gathered in the DRHS Commons for the 35th annual Senior Awards Night, in which seniors are awarded scholarships to pursue what ever they're planning to do after graduation, educationally. This year, according to DRHS counselor and alumnus, Lael Storlie, our seniors earned over $200,000 in scholarship from the Deer River Area and Itasca County.

    The SY '24-'25 Minnesota Honor Society (MHS), led by teacher Kari Borgman is announced and sworn in as well.

    This is the link to the Album:


  • Tia and Jaxon
    Apr 29, 2024

    2024 DRHS Prom

    On Saturday, April 27th, Deer River hosted its annual Prom. The theme this year was "Casino Royale" and the Junior Class Prom Committee, led by advisors Noelle Albers and Breanna Kaanta put on a great event. Grand March started at 7:10 in the West gym and the stands were full of family and friends. Following Grand March, students stayed and danced for awhile before loading up on busses to head to the Grand Rapids YMCA for an "After Prom" of fun, frivolity and food, as well as some pretty nifty door prizes!

    Here is the link to view the Google Photo's Album


  • Mar 7, 2024

    Band Solo Ensemble Competition Results

    I wanted to send an email out regarding the results of the band Solo/Ensemble contest in Ely. Although we have a small ensemble, I am very proud of the work these students have put in, as the music they performed for the judges was very difficult repertoire. I am also proud to have 4 students that chose to perform solos, which can be very nerve wracking playing by yourself in front of someone who's main purpose is to give you feedback on your performance.

    Here are the results of contest:

    Senior High Band: Excellent

    Israel Treat: Superior

    Hudson Barnes: Superior

    Sarah Stangler: Superior

    Kierra Miller: Superior

    Mar 7, 2024

    Choir Solo Ensemble Competition Results

    I just wanted to pass along the results of our Solo/Ensemble day, because our students did a FANTASTIC job and I am very proud of them. So, for those of you who don't know, at this contest the students perform for judges who then work with them and give them a score on different aspects of their performance. The scores go "Superior, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor" based on how many points you get. We brought our choir, our vocal ensemble, 7 soloists, 3 duets, and a quartet. If you see these students please congratulate them, as it is very 

    difficult to stand and sing in front of someone who is there specifically to tell them what they can improve on. Our students were well-prepared and showed great poise, confidence, and maturity. 

    Here are the results:

    DRHS Choir: Superior 

    127 Vocal Ensemble: Superior

    Adia Wilke: Superior

    Kai Swisher: Superior
    Taylor O'Shea: Superior
    Eowyn Baker: Superio

    Faith Hawkins: Superior

    Krissalyn Dahl: Excellent

    Danica Prica: Excellent

    Eowyn Baker and Kai Swisher: Excellent

    Nicholas Bakkedahl and Brooklynn Latvala: Excellent

    Caleb Carlson and Lee Perrington: Excellent

    Danica Prica, Jenna Evans, Jordin Evans, Natalee Lathrop: Excellent

  • Sno Ball Queen and King
    Jan 30, 2024

    Sno Ball 2024 Coronation and Dance

    Friday, Jan 26th in Deer River High Schools' West Gym, students, parents and staff gathered for the coronation of this year's Sno Ball senior Queen & King, as well as the freshman Princess and Prince.

    After some Hijinx and Tomfoolery involving decorating a cake "Barbie Style" and a timed "relay". Few will forget where they were for when the Queen candidates did their "Barbie" dance number or.the King candidates did their "Ken" dance...

    The coronation began with the freshman...

    All winners were voted on by students

    Freshman Princess: Emma Mitchell

    Freshman Prince: Dustin Miller

    Senior Queen: Brita Isaacs

    Senior King: Owen Schedin

    Saturday night, Jan 27th, students gathered in the commons for the Sno Ball dance.

    Here is the link for the Sno Ball 2024 Coronation Album and Dance


  • Son Ball Royalty Candidates
    Jan 25, 2024

    2024 Sno Ball Meet the Candidates

    Tuesday morning, Jan 23rd, the students of DRHS kicked of the day and Sno Ball week, with "Meet The Candidates". The Student Council, advised by Mrs. Lind did a great job of introducing this years candidates for Sno Ball King and Queen as well Prince and Princess.

    Senior Queen Candidates are:

    Teona Bebeau, Jenna Evans, Faith Hawkins, Brita Isaacs, Jo Lynn O'Shea

    Senior King Candidates are:

    Colton Hemphill, Charles Ikola, Owen Shedin, Cade Petermeier, Thomas White

    Freshman Princess Candidates are:

    Hudson Barnes, Laila Bruers, Natalya Kingbird, Emma Mitchell, Tessa Smith

    Freshman Prince Candidates are:

    Hunter Applebee, Dustin Miller, Beau Morgan, Kion Nason, Grant Petermeier

    Attached at the link is the Google Photo Album


  • Gus gets a takedown
    Jan 18, 2024

    Wrestlers Pin Crosby Ironton at Home

    On, Thursday, January 4th, the Warrior Grapplers took on the Rangers of CI at home. First year Head Coach and DRHS graduate, Dale Gullickson led the team to victory for his 1st home win! Senior Co-Captain, Gus Thompson earned his 101st win with a Pin!

    The album of pictures for the match, can be found here:



8th Grade Group Photo
80% of our 8th grade achieved their Q2 reading goal

These amazing 8th Grade Students achieved something that I haven’t seen in my teaching career. As a class, 80% of them achieved their Q2 reading goal and today we got to celebrate! Blueberry Bowl were awesome hosts, and their new arcade area was a hit. Step Up picked up the bill for pizza, bus, and bowling. I am so proud of these kids that I get to educate daily. I’m also grateful to my boss Delana Smith for supporting our kids and helping make this happen. Our kids had a great morning! Thank you Jeremy Jmazing Magnuson Kimberly Gullickson Kole Schultz Delana Smith, and Bre Kaanta.

Group Photo
Jay Gould Fishing Trip 1/26/24
Girls Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
BBB v. Cass Lake
2024 Sno Ball Candidates
2024 Sno Ball Candidates
Changemakers presetentation
Changemakers Presentation